Monday, July 7, 2008

je ne sais pas

i dont know how i feel about starting a blog. this is one of those things that you make fun of other nerds for doing such as LOL and LOLercoaster and TTYL and other things of the sort.

i really just started this mostly so i could talk about Home Depot for a hot second. i went there probably about a week before i left for italy first for work and then on the way to the subway because i needed to pick up some odds and ends. i went to the one on 59th st and 3rd ave.

this was a Life Changing experience. i was mesmerized to say the least. when i normally think of HD i think of chains and ropes and hammers and orange aprons. but it goes so beyond that.

they have plants and pots and fans and grills and blinds and rugs and METHOD PRODUCTS oh man the list goes on.
everyone needs to go. if you want to come with me some day to share the life changing experience, just call and i can put it in my filofax.

i think i will make HD a weekly stop along with pad thai and sugar sweet sunshine cupcakes.


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